The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland (1942)

The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland
Место издания London
Издательство Polish government-in-exile
Год издания 1942
Физическая характеристика 16 с.
Тематика Шоа (Катастрофа): свидетели и история

Дата поступления 2020-01-06

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Дополнительное описание издания:
The brochure contained reports and documents about the Holocaust in Poland. The most important item was Raczyński's Note, by Edward Bernard Raczyński, the foreign minister of the Polish government-in-exile. Based on intelligence from the Home Army's Jewish Affairs Bureau, Raczyński discussed the Germans' initial shooting executions and subsequent lethal gassings of Polish Jews. It was known that Jews deported from the Warsaw Ghetto in Grossaktion Warsaw were taken to Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibor, which the Polish underground state correctly described as "extermination camps". Raczyński said that one-third of the three million Polish Jews had already been killed – actually, an underestimate.
The brochure also contained the text of the Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations of 17 December 1942, and an excerpt of a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Stanisław Mikołajczyk of 27 November 1942. It[clarification needed] was the official diplomatic note of the Polish government-in-exile to other Allied governments. The note's purpose was to draw attention to the Final Solution and deter the Germans from pursuing it further.

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